Following on from their introductory residential in April, the new intake of Youth Promoters met for their second residential weekend – Getting Started as a Promoter – in Cromarty in late June. The aim of the weekend was to provide the Youth Promoters with some practical skills to form the basis of their promoter’s toolkit, including managing finances, understanding their audience and reaching new ones, and how to create an inclusive events programme.

Based in the fabulous Old Brewery, the Touring Network team and the Youth Promoters were joined by a variety of guest speakers over the course of the weekend:

  • our hosts Gail & Georgia from Cromarty Arts Trust explained how they develop the Trust’s arts programme in relation to the wider community;
  • stalwart Touring Network promoters David & Diana from Resolis Community Arts, who shared some stories from the past 15 years of events, and gave the Youth Promoters some insight into how their wider volunteer base help to make the events happen, and how they have continued to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for visiting artists;
  • newly announced Clore Fellow Lindsay Dunbar from Play Pieces Arts and the Rural Touring Agency, delivered an indepth session debunking some of the myths surrounding programming, and shared some tips on how to get to know your community, and how to begin programming the events that they want to see;
  • and Clair Nichols, Chief Officer of Youth Highland, led a session on Leadership, which gave the Youth Promoters a chance to think about what it means to be a leader in their community, and how to get people on board with their vision.









As well as these insightful sessions, Jo, Rhiannon and Tamara also delivered sessions on budget management and fundraising, introducing the Youth Promoters to some useful practical tools to help them get started as promoters. Some of the GET IN Graduates also came along to the weekend, building on the training they received last year, and sharing their knowledge and experience with the new cohort.

The Youth Promoters left Cromarty feeling inspired – by the speakers, the company of their fellow youth promoters, and by the fantastic scenery – and with a list of actions to work on over the coming months. They will also be busy Go See-ing a variety of performances and events this summer, before meeting again for their final residential weekend in early Oct, where they will pitch their programming ideas to each other.







The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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