Are you a Promoter interested in working with schools to provide theatre for children in your community? We’d love to work with you, alongside Theatre in Schools Scotland. 

TISS is delighted to be reconnecting creatively with primary schools and nurseries across Scotland this autumn and are keen for The Touring Network members to get involved.  Collaborations can work in a number of ways, depending on promoters and communities – it’s all up for discussion. 

If you’d like to hear how you could get involved with TISS and bring more live performance to young people in your area, please register your interest or email

TISS plans for 2021- 22 will integrate live performance with digital interactions, ensuring they can continue to provide regular high quality creative experiences for pupils in schools and nurseries across the country. 

Theatre in Schools Scotland is managed by Imaginate and National Theatre of Scotland to develop the provision of theatre and dance performances available for schools to host for their pupils. The annual touring programme is informed by teachers and features Scottish performing companies and artists specialising in theatre and dance for young people. Productions are designed specifically with schools in mind and are suitable for classes from Nursery to P7. The programme is year-round and available throughout Scotland.

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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