Thanks to all those who travelled to Inverness on Thu 8 Dec for our Annual General Meeting. The staff team and Board were joined by a selection of Promoters from across the Network, as well as some of our GET IN Youth Promoters.

The official business of the meeting was conducted in the record time of 28 minutes, allowing plenty of time for everyone to catch up and socialise! As well as approving the annual accounts for 2015-16, new board members Yvonne Potter and Liz Taylor Bird were elected, and all existing board members were re-elected. Rhiannon McIntyre (Services Manager) gave a verbal update on activity in 2015-16, and Jo McLean (CEO) provided an overview of activity since April 2016, as well as sharing news of some upcoming opportunities.

Christine Hamilton (Chair) oversaw the meeting, and thanked The Touring Network team for their hard work throughout the year, as well as all the Promoters in the Network for their dedication and commitment to rural touring and improving the cultural lives of their communities. She highlighted the difficulties in encouraging enough members to attend the AGM each year, and explained that the Board will be considering alternative dates for the meeting in 2017.

Christine is keen to visit Promoters across the Network in the new year and attend shows that are programmed – if you have a particular show or event that you would like Christine to attend, please get in touch.

Minutes of the AGM and Annual Accounts to follow in Jan 2017.

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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