Are you looking for additional funding of up to £1000? The Bank of Scotland Foundation’s Matched Giving Scheme might be able to help.

The scheme encourages Lloyds Banking Group staff members to participate in community events and raise funds for charities. Each member of staff for the Lloyds Banking Group can claim up to £1000 in each calendar year for a charity they have either raised money for, or given their time freely to.

The bank will match every pound you raise, or donate £8 pr hour of voluntary time given to a maximum of £500 for fundraising events and/or £500 for voluntary time given.

If a member of staff from your local Bank of Scotland participates in your fundraising event (this could be a coffee morning, bring & buy sale, etc) you could double your income (up to £500). It could also be a great way of attracting new volunteers to your Promoter group.

Check out the website for more info, or pop down to your branch to ask for more details.

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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