CHArts is supporting people and businesses in the culture, heritage and arts sectors in Argyll and the Isles to maximise on the opportunities provided by the area’s tourist market. Developing tourism opportunities across the culture, heritage and arts sectors will help people and organisations to be more sustainable in their practice and capitalise on their contribution to the area’s identity, character and appeal. By focusing on existing routes through Cowal, Mid Argyll and Oban and Lorn and including clusters of creative members nearby – we aim to attract more interest and revenue for the creative community, while also taking practical steps to promote the area’s reputation across the tourism and creative sectors. We’re mapping what CHArts members and artists and craft makers can offer visitors, alongside other things for visitors to do. We’ve then got a promotional campaign for the 2019 tourist season to encourage visits to artists, potters, sculptors, craft makers etc. studios.
All they need to know are some of your key details, opening times, contact details, accessibility, details of courses run etc. G0 to ** ** and fill out the form to tell CHArts what you can offer. CHArts looks forward to hearing from you!


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The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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