Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (2014 -2020)

The Northern Periphery and Arctic Transnational Cooperation Programme has opened its fifth call for project proposals. The call for preparatory projects is still open and on-going. The Highlands and Islands area of Argyll and Bute is eligible under this programme and the call is open for all priority axes below:

1. Using Innovation to Maintain And Develop Robust And Competitive Communities

2. Promoting Entrepreneurship to Realise the Potential of the Programme Area’s Competitive Advantage

3. Fostering Energy-Secure Communities through Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

4. Protecting, Promoting and Developing Cultural and Natural Heritage

Deadline for project submission: 28 Feb 2018
Decision date: 13 Jun 2018

More information about the Programme can be found at: or by contacting the regional contact point for the Highlands and Islands Kateryna McKinnon,

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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