GET IN is the Touring Network’s Youth Promoter project, which ran as a two-year pilot from Apr 2016-Mar 2018 and provided 10 young people aged between 16-26, based in the Highlands & Islands, with the training, knowledge and expertise required to programme the live events they want to see in their communities. 

The project was funded by Creative Scotland’s First in a Lifetime programme and the Big Lottery’s Young Start fund, as well as additional funding from Ignite Moray Youth Arts Hub, The Robertson Trust, and The Gannochy Trust.

The 2nd year of the pilot was evaluated by Queen Margaret University and following a period of review, we have had the opportunity to reflect on what we’ve learned, the impact we’ve made and what might be next for any younger members of rural communities looking to make things happen in the Highlands & Islands.

Over the 2 year period we worked with 20 young people, delivered 12 workshops, awarded 33 GO SEE bursaries to our youth promoters which lead to them putting on 28 performances attracting a total of 1450* audience members.

Performers who were booked by our Youth Promoters and toured the region during 2017-2019 include Kathryn JosephMike Vass & Mairead GreenCarina McLeodThe Boy and The Audience, Catherine Wheels Theatre (in partnership with TISS) with Pondlife, Walking Theatre Company with Macbeth the Red and Wizard of Oz, And a collection of secret gigs in partnership with Sofar Sounds.

We appointed two of our youth promoters as board members and have since welcomed 3 of the youth promoters as members of The Touring Network.  We are proud to see them continue to make things happen in their community and contributing to the Highlands & Islands being a better place to live and work.

We have emerged from this project with a fuller understanding of what young people need and what we as an organisation are best placed to deliver.  In rural and remote locations with aging populations and historically missing generations of university go-ers, the people making things happen have tended to be 30+.  However, with a growing trend of people returning home after university or making the move to the region and get things happening, we now have the understanding, resources, support and funding pots which would be valuable for any emerging promoter, be they 18 or 68!

If you know anyone interested in what it means to be a promoter in a rural community, or is already doing so but is looking for a network of support, funds and advice, read how we help here.


The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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