As a member, there are many ways you can get more actively involved with The Touring Network. Check out our current opportunities below. 

The Touring Network Board

Would you like to develop your skills and network, while supporting culture in The Highlands & Islands?

Our Board members are highly valued for their vital role in providing professional guidance and governance for the organisation.

Board Membership is voluntary and unpaid and previous board experience is not required. Meetings are held quarterly, online or in the region and it is also expected that Board Members attend some additional events. Any costs incurred as a result of travel or caring responsibilities will be remunerated.

JOIN: We are currently looking for additional board members. If you would like to express interest in being on the board, regardless of experience, please get in touch.

Network Focus Group

Our focus group voices the needs of the network. It helps inform our activities by providing ‘on the ground’ insight, keeps us focused and allows for connectivity between members across the region.

The group is selected to represent the membership’s diversity in geography, roles, experience and funding. We rotate members every two years and selection is led by the needs of the organisation at that time. We meet three to four times a year, for no more than three hours. An agenda is issued in advance inviting members to feedback on specific topics.

At present, we would like to see members fit one or more of the following criteria:

  • Have been a promoter or performer Creag member for under a year
  • Are operating in a voluntary capacity or as a freelancer
  • Are based in the Western Isles, Moray or surrounding region

We will offer a fee to any non-funded members based on a day rate of £150 and will cover any costs incurred as a result of travel or caring responsibilities via our Access Fund.

If you’d like to join our focus group, please get in touch explaining why. Email

Promoter’s Supported Programme Panel

We’re putting together a collection of incredible performances that we’ll support to tour the region in 2022. We’re on the look out for group of promoter or venue members to take part in a new ‘Promoters’ Panel’ to help shortlist those performances. 

The panel will meet in December (online) to consider available shows and finalise the programme available for booking. 

We will offer a fee to any non-funded members based on a day rate of £150 and will cover any costs incurred as a result of travel or caring responsibilities via our Access Fund.

JOIN: Email by 1 December 2022 to register your interest in joining.  

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
01463 231328
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© 2014 The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands). Company Registration Number: SC214546. Charity Number: SC030983. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
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