Following on in our series of Youth Promoter’s Voice articles, this month, Peter tell us why he got involved in the project and what the has experienced so far.
Tell us a bit about yourself…
I am a student studying Event Management in Moray College. I work part time in the local Phoenix Cafe where I cook and enjoy serving customers. I am in the process of setting up my own promotions company.
How, and why, did you get involved in Get In?
I found out about the opportunity when the Moray Youth Arts Ambassadors invited the GET IN Coordinator to come and tell us about the programme at the beginning of the project. I was interested to join in as I want to do event management and work in the arts as a career.
What’s been happening so far?
We’ve been organising the GET IN Kathryn Joseph Highlands and Islands Tour which involves 7 tour locations. I organise my own local show and help with the marketing of the whole tour. I have attended finance, audience development, programming, equalities and contracting and negotiating training. We have met up throughout the year across the HIghlands and Central belt.
What are you looking forward to? And what do you think is going to be challenging about the tour?
I am really looking forward to taking the artists around rural Scotland and bringing a really great artist to my local community.
I think the most challenging thing will be the logistics of getting the artist around all the locations with a piano and drum kit!
See the What’s On Guide for dates of the GET IN Kathryn Joseph Highlands and Islands Tour.