As of the 31st July 2017 The Touring Network relinquished its office-base in Inverness, and the team have now moved to a remote working model.
For a number of years The Touring Network has been a digital-first organisation, utilising new technologies to become as effective and as streamlined as possible; minimising our financial costs and making our environmental footprint as small as possible. With all of our office systems now firmly established on cloud-based IT systems, we are able to work efficiently as a distributed team, with staff members and freelance associates based in Highland, Argyll, the Isles, and Perthshire.
Remote working is fast becoming a popular option for small and large companies alike, offering flexibility, low overheads and no lengthy commute to work! We are able to scale operations as and when required with no additional costs – we already communicate as a team, and with promoters, performers, and partners organisations, over Skype and via virtual meeting rooms and conference calls, but still catch up face-to-face for key meetings in ways that suit us, which are often far more creative.
In terms of cold hard cash, our members and funders will be pleased to know that the move to remote working will save us a significant amount on unnecessary rent and overheads each year. The money we save will be invested back into the organisation through increased service delivery for our members.
As a team, we will miss our home of the last 4 years on Ardross Street, but we are looking forward to getting out and about around the Network more regularly, and aim to visit our members’ venues for our monthly team meetings – our August team meeting is already scheduled to take place at Birnam Arts in Perthshire.
If you would like to invite us to visit your venue for any of our future team meetings, or if you would like to host The Touring Network’s AGM in Nov/Dec 2017, please get in touch.
How to contact The Touring Network from August 2017
The existing phone number (01463 231328) remains active. We endeavour to answer calls during office hours (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) and a voicemail service is available outwith these times, or if we are unable to take your call.
Our new address for correspondence is: 67a Castle Street, Inverness, IV2 3DU
If you have something you need to post to us urgently, we would advise you to get in touch with the relevant team member, or by emailing , before sending.