Fri 7 – Sun 9 April 2017
Residential at the Badaguish Centre, Cairngorms.
During this weekend residential, the new cohort of Youth Promoters will learn about The Touring Network, the GET IN programme of training, and have a chance to meet some of the Mentors. They will also meet their fellow Youth Promoters from across the Highlands and Islands, and will be introduced to the 2016-17 GET IN Graduates, who will be available to support and enthuse them throughout the year.
The training will focus on the practical aspects of the GET IN programme to introduce the Youth Promoter Role and how the GET IN programme will:
- Give confidence in team working over a large geographic region by using specific communication platforms and processes including reviewing and reporting skills.
- Introduce the existing Touring Network administration to help with claiming Go See bursaries, travel expense claims and tour budgeting.
- Introduce the Mentor Promoters and the role they play within their communities and for touring performers.
- Explain the roles of the GET IN tour sub groups – Artist Liaison, Logistics, Marketing and Finance. Themes of Equalities and Sustainability run through all four sub groups.
Further details of the weekend will be sent to successful GET IN applicants in Feb 2017.