We’ll be gathering online for a festive blether on Mon 16 December. We’d love to see you all before we break for the holidays. Christmas attire optional! Register here.
We’re looking for members to join our invaluable focus group. Could you lend your voice and expertise to our work? It’s a good opportunity to get more involved and to meet other members, plus we pay for your time and expenses. Find out more.
The Gathering is drawing ever closer and we’ll share more in the new year. In the meantime, promoters we need you! We’re looking for a good mix of people across the network to help us select performances to showcase at the event. Could you spare some time to be on the selection panel? Please email fee@thetouringnetwork.com ASAP so we can tell you more. We’ll issue a call for performers in early February.
A heads up that we’ll be issuing a plea to all of you to complete our Annual Member Survey in January. All of your feedback was vital in helping us plan this year and it’s given us an insightful snapshot for our Annual Review.
January’s Network Meet-Up is going to be popular so please book now if you can to give us an idea of numbers. Scottish Opera will be hosting on Mon 20 January, during Celtic Connections, and we’ll have the chance to hear about their rural work and sit in on rehearsals. Lunch will be provided. More here.
The office will be closing at 3pm on Fri 20 December until Mon 6 January. If we need a response from us before then please get in touch. Otherwise we’ll get back to you in 2025.
Sending you all festive feels. Teri, Claire, Fee & Julia
Member shows available to book:
Alex McSherry: The Tanner
Catherine Wheels: Lightning Ridge
Chokka’s four-to-the-floor Highland, Island & Lowland Tour
Claire Love Wilson & Peter Lorenz: Morag, You’re A Long Time Deid
Eco Drama: The Forgotten Orchard
EQ Dance Co: Sanctuary
Fiona Soe Paing: Sand, Silt, Flint
Fleur Darkin Presence Projects: My Muses Take Care of Me
Fox & Hound: Beacuse We Said We Would
Jamie MacDougall: Lauder
Jemima Thewes & Lanes: Ballady ballad Tour 2024
Jess Smith/Joss Cameron: Where The Feather Falls
John Tantallon/Joss Cameron: Tales From The Witches Sabbath
Joss Cameron: ‘The Whales’ Tale Herring and Sail’
Julia McGhee: The Morrich Project
Kirsten Newell: Hebridean Treasure: Lost & Found
Lauren Collier: Lauren Collier Band
Louise Dodds & Elchin Shirinov – Hours After Midnight
Mother Superior and The Wherewithal
Maria MacDonell: Miss Lindsay’s Secret
Myshkin’s Ruby Warblers
Myshkin Warbler and Jenny Q – Held on the High Wire
Oddbodies: King Lear
Pauline Vallance
Penny Chivas: Burnt Out
Pyrrhic Lyrics with Phil Royal
Sharon Took-Zozaya: Finding Petunia LittleTree
Shelagh McKay Jones: Unbroken
Stafford Collett Productions: Gold!
Starcatchers: Falling Star
Tenterhooks: Are Ye Dancin’
Theatre in Schools Scotland: various
Tibetan Monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery: From the Roof of The World
Tragic Carpet: Suitcase Stories – The Little Toy
Tragic Carpet: Suitcase Stories – The Seven Ravens
Tricky Hat Productions: Don’t Stop Me Now
Willow Trio: The Swan of Salen
Don’t forget you can use our Access Fund to check out performances you wish to book. Performers and promoters can also apply to our Seed Fund in collaboration.