A busy, chatty Network Meet-Up was had in Glasgow last month. Thanks to everyone who came along. It was great to hear from National Theatre of Scotland and to have an open discussion about rural touring. If you haven’t done so already, NTS would welcome your feedback – they have added a new version of their survey to gather experiences of performers who have toured or self-promoted rurally. Promoters/venues survey here. Performers survey here.

 Our next Network-Meet Up will take place online on Mon 6 March, 10.30am-12pm. Register here

We’re very sad to share that Rhiannon McIntyre, Co-Director, will be leaving us next month. After 10 years with The Touring Network, she is choosing to spend more time with her beautiful twins and focus on freelance projects. We’re going to miss her hugely – and her encyclopaedic knowledge of rural touring  –  especially the air of calm and control she brings to all we do. As Rhiannon is impossible to replace, we’re not going to! Claire will now be the sole Director, working closely with Fee and Teri, bringing in support as and when required. Send your good wishes to rhiannon@thetouringnetwork.com 

Welcome to new members DeeDee Calmayer and Joanie Bones. 

Our Focus Group discussed environment, community and culture this month. We are on the steering group for Creative Carbon’s Green Arts Initiative and used this session to gather feedback and suggestions to feed into sector-wide discussions at Springboard (see below). 

We’ve had an incredible response to our Supported Programme Micro Network call-out and are excited to share more about this new model. More soon! 

Member performances now booking on Tourbook:

Curious Seed: And The Birds Did Sing 
Vanishing Point Unplugged: Spin
Horse: Acoustic-y – Flying Trio / Quartet
Julia McGhee: The Morrich Project
Jennifer Ewan Band: Bonnie Bayou Blues
Ruxandra Cantir & Sarah Rose Graber: Two in a Barrel
Hidden Waves Quartet: Coloured Stones
Hopscotch Theatre: The Unseen Boy
Tricky Hat Productions
Kerry Noor: Everything You Wanted to Know About a Bellydance but Were Too Afraid to Ask
Slanjayvah Danza: 6 Feet, 3 Shoes
Maria MacDonell: Miss Lindsay’s Secret
Nicholas Collett Productions: Done to Death, By Jove!

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
01463 231328
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© 2014 The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands). Company Registration Number: SC214546. Charity Number: SC030983. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
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