A big welcome to our new members Hidden Waves Quartet, Baroque Alchemy, Liam Baker, Scots Opera Project, Grant F Kidd, Barry Nisbet, Gigha Primary School and Susannah Stark.

We’re looking to hear from promoter members who’d like to be considered for our first Supported Programme Micro Network. Email Fee for more info.

We’re working with National Theatre of Scotland to help inform the work that tours in Scotland and would love input from rural venues and promoters. A questionnaire is now open and the NTS team will join us at January’s Network Meet-Up to discuss. Find out more.

Simon McKerrell joined us for a panel discussion this week as he published his Music in the Rural Creative Economy report, which many of our members contributed. If you missed out on a hard copy, you can download it here

Our Transition Fund is still rolling if you could do with a boost in 2023. Recent recipients include the Isle of Kerrera Development Trust, kick-starting a music programme with Jemima Thewes, and Tayvallich Village Hall, to host The Fuse and Jennifer Ewan Band. Apply here.  

Turns out there’s rather a lot on this month, and it’s not just panto! Catch some festive feels here

Are you over 50 and do you have a story to tell? Tricky Hat is welcoming people to join The Flames, with performances in the highlands June/July 2023. Find out more.

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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