Case Study on Network Meet-ups / Jen Wren Slanjayvah Danza

Case Study on Network Meet-ups / Jen Wren Slanjayvah Danza

SERVICE USED: NETWORK MEET-UP BY: JEN WREN, Artistic Director of Slanjayvah Danza FOR: Networking with members and finding out more about our services: Edinburgh Festival meetup, August 2019. “My name is Jen Wren and I’m the artistic director of Slanjayvah...
Case Study on Network Meet-ups / Jen Wren Slanjayvah Danza

Case Study on Network Meet-ups / Fiona Shaw

SERVICE USED: NETWORK MEET-UP BY: FIONA SHAW, Promoter in Oban FOR: Networking with local members at The Rockfield Centre, Oban in April 2019. “I’m Fee Shaw and most recently as Events Manager at Dunollie Museum, Castle, and Grounds, I attended The Touring...
The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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