We recognise how challenging this time is for planning within the cultural sector for both the creation and programming of work and, as plans are now in place for Creative Scotland’s Touring Fund to re-open, there is need for the flow of information across the sector to be as manageable as possible under such difficult circumstances for all.  In response to discussion with artists/companies and venues, FST, The Touring Network and Independent Arts Projects would like to support and encourage some actions that might ease challenges and burdens around communication.    

To that end we urge venues who don’t currently, to consider providing a programming status/ venue update on tourbook or your website. 

This update needn’t be expansive.  You could consider including the following outline information:

  • Is your venue open? If not, when do you expect to open?  If you don’t know, please say that this is still unknown
  • Are you currently programming? If not, when might you be ready to start programming? If you don’t know, please say that this is still unknown
  • Is your venue available for rehearsal space? If so, when and who is it suitable for? 
  • Who should artists/companies approach to discuss programming? What is the best method to contact them?  Please offer a form of contact so artists/companies are able to be in touch, even if what you have to tell them is still unknown and you let them know through an auto-response, as below.
  • An auto-responder to a programming contact email that acknowledges receipt of an email enquiry and includes the most recent updates, as above – even if that is to say that the situation is unknown. 

We understand that circumstances continue to change rapidly but hope that the above can help alleviate some workload for both artists/companies and venues as communication around our sector re-opening progresses.   

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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