Need time to think? Apply for up to £500 to give you the space you need to explore, share, learn and collaborate with other members. Easy to apply – as an individual or a group.The Touring Network supports, represents and connects a vibrant community of independent promoters and performers who present high-quality live performance across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland – transforming remote community spaces into cultural centres and performances venues.
We help our members by delivering a package of services including networking, resources, development opportunities and funding.
Apply for up to £500 to plant a seed that will develop your practice, ideas or organisation and benefit the wider network. It’s easy to apply, with a quick turnaround, and no idea is too tiny or too wild!
Individual Growth
Do you need help with the cost of rehearsal space, event attendance or travel? Could you use new images or film footage to show to promoters? Do you need help writing a funding application for work in the region? Would coaching help you find your direction?
Community Growth
Apply with other members of the Touring Network. Perhaps you’re interested in pooling resources to save money? Could you work on joint marketing initiatives to promote your area? Could you benefit from discussing actions to the climate crisis in your area, or develop a micro network to enable greener touring? Could you benefit from sharing experiences with other performers/promoters or learn about a topic together?
You can apply for up to £500 per member (max of three bursaries per ‘idea’). We have a total of £5000 to distribute across our network.
We know not all seeds germinate and there is no pressure to deliver on your ideas. We just want to create space for you to think and perhaps try new things. We’ll follow up with a phone call six months later to see how things have progressed and how we might be able to support you further.
What Have we Funded?
Since we launched our Seed Fund in 2019, we have funded performers and promoters who participate in various activities including:
– Trialling Online Live Streaming Gigs
– Visits to Meet Potential Collaborators
– Training Support
– Trialling New Marketing Activities
Who can apply?
Cairn members of the Touring Network. Seed Fund is also available to Corrie members working in collaboration with a Cairn member.
Not a member? Find out how you can join us here.
How do I Apply?
Please email in the first instance to make sure you’re eligble and this is the best fund for you.
Good luck!
weeks turn-around
maximum award
The Seed Fund has given me the confidence to think about doing this again. It’s been a really useful learning curve and I now better understand the mechanisms of how to do it successfully. I know that I can help the musicians achieve a decent income from an online gig even without funding support, and I can offer my audience, and indeed a much wider audience something that they want. Thank you
It was a pretty light touch process to apply for the Seed Fund and the payment covered my travel from Jura to France – helpful for anyone who finds forms challenging. Going to the fund puts your work into a well connected network as well as helping you financially which is worth remembering too. This was a crucial kickstart for what I hope will be an exciting project for Jura and Argyll when it unfolds.
I’m interested in being part of the network.