The Touring Network is looking for a photographer to undertake a short project documenting the people and places of the Highlands & Islands and the amazing cultural events that happen here.

We are looking for a someone with experience of taking high-quality landscape and portrait photography to tour around the most iconic areas of the Highlands & Islands engaging with people and getting them to take part in a project to highlight the cultural events that happen across the country.

You must have a strong photography portfolio and be friendly and able to approach and engage with people easily – encouraging them to get involved with the project and learn more about our work.

You should also have a full, clean driving licence, your own kit required for the job and be able to transport, move and put together some related props. A strong understanding of the geography and culture of the Highlands and Islands and confidence in using social media channels to document your trip is also desirable.

We would anticipate the project taking around 5-6 intensive days which could be across consecutive days or in a number of trips as mutually agreed.

The fee available for the project is £2,000 which must cover all expenses including travel, vehicle hire (if necessary) and accommodation.

The project should be completed by end October 2014.

This opportunity is now closed.

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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