The trust supports services/projects, run by Scottish-based community groups and small charities, in the following qualifying categories that address any aspect of the following purposes:

• Sport: encouraging and increasing public participation in sport (activities which involve physical skill and exertion)

• Recreational facilities: the provision or organisation of recreational facilities (buildings, pitches or similar) with the aim of improving the conditions of life for the people for whom the facilities are primarily intended. This is only in relation to facilities which are primarily intended for people who need them due to age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

• Animal welfare: for the advancement of animal welfare

• Health: the advancement of health, including prevention or relief of sickness, disease or human suffering

• Culture: supporting the heritage – tangible or otherwise – of Scotland, through projects that encourage participation in and preservation of Scotland’s distinctive culture.

Eligibility: They may be able to help if you meet all of the following criteria-

• You are a small charity or community group with income of less than £100,000 a year

• You are based and operate in Scotland, providing services to improve the quality of life for the people of Scotland

• Your application meets one of the five Qualifying Categories – Sport, Health, Culture, Animal Welfare or Recreational Facilities

• You are seeking funding of less than £25,000


More info here

Apply by 2019-08-30

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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