If you’ve been to our Collections in Tourbook lately, you may have noticed that we no longer just have one collection for Supported Programme.

To make it more obvious which tours are definitely ready to confirm bookings, which ones are at the “gathering interest for funding applications” stage, and which ones are confirmed and ready to hit the road, we’ve now got three collections:

1) Supported Programme – Potential 

2) Supported Programme – Applications Open

3) Supported Programme – Confirmed

Rhiannon explains why…

“We’ve had a few frustrating situations lately where you’ve booked dates with a show that’s part of Supported Programme, and we’ve allocated bursaries to those who need them, only for the tour to fall flat when the performer doesn’t get the funding they need to be able to do the tour.

To try and avoid this happening, we’re making sure that we have clear conversations with performers to find out how viable their tour is, BEFORE we invite you to apply for a bursary. The first collection (Potential) lets you see which performers we’re talking to, and we would encourage you to get in touch with them directly if you’re at all interested in their show. If they are still applying for funding, then it’s really helpful for them to be able to gather interest from you, the promoters. 

Once those performers get confirmation of their funding, we’ll move them over to the 2nd collection (Applications Open) and you’ll be able to apply for a bursary, if you need one. There might also be times when we can pop a tour straight into this Collection too.

Then once a tour is confirmed, and all the bursaries have been allocated and promoter agreements signed, we’ll move the tour into the 3rd collection (Confirmed). Over the years, this collection will grow and will be really helpful for you to see the type of tour that has been included in Supported Programme before.

Don’t forget too, that we welcome your suggestions of tours to include in Supported Programme! So if you’ve come across something that you think fits the criteria, and you’d love to see touring across the Highlands & Islands, please do share it with us. If the tour is already in Tourbook, you can send us a message in there with a link to the tour page, or share it in our promoters Facebook group. If they’re not already in Tourbook, why not encourage them to sign up, or introduce us via email and we’ll start a conversation with them!”

Find out more about Supported Programme here: https://thetouringnetwork.com/for-promoters/supported-programme/

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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