Every Brilliant Thing

Dornie Hall Aird Point, Ardelve, Dornie, Highland

"Heart-wrenching, hilarious...possibly one of the funniest plays you'll ever see, full stop."
★★★★ The Guardian



Dornie Hall Aird Point, Ardelve, Dornie, Highland

A 50 minute piece of innovative visual theatre for adults that combines puppetry, film and live sound to create and destroy a world in front of its audience’s eyes.


The Piatti Quartet

Dornie Hall Aird Point, Ardelve, Dornie, Highland

The UK's foremost young string quartet comes to Dornie Hall in February 2015. They have performed in all major venues around the country including a live BBC Radio 3 broadcast from the Wigmore Hall.


The Kaleidoscope Saxophone Quartet

Dornie Hall Aird Point, Ardelve, Dornie, Highland

The Kaleidoscope Saxophone Quartet is an innovative collaboration between four versatile young artists. The group's approach makes use of the diverse talents of its members, creatively combining musical performance, composition and film.

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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