Melvich Village Hall is available as a venue for all types of events from children’s parties, group meetings and afternoon teas to evening dances and village celebrations. We really want to make the Hall a centre point for the village and a place to bring the community together.
Post your suggestions for any events you might think could happen or contact us to find out about upcoming events. Keep an eye on this page for details of what’s coming up and let us know what you think.
As long as we keep using the Hall we can continue to improve and build upon the facilities available and make it somewhere we can all make the most of and come together.
Get involved and support Melvich Village Hall!
Hall Committee 2012
Chair: Claire Mackay
Vice Chair: Helen Mackay
Treasurers: Isobel Mackay & Jane Mackay
Secretary: Jo Wyke
Committee Members:
Tina Wrighton
Ann Sutherland
David Sutherland
Alex Patience