Music freelancers, individuals, networks and organisations working with young people in Scotland can apply for a grant towards training and continuing professional development. The aim of the Fund is to strengthen youth music in Scotland for the benefit of young people. Grants can support a wide range of professional development activity and training including for example: Attendance at conferences; masterclasses or mentoring; receiving private tuition in a particular genre or instrument; development or design of specialist courses; and innovative approaches to improve engagement in music. A total budget of £45,000 is available to be distributed as awards to individuals generally ranging from £100 to £750, and for organisations as grants of between £500 and £5,000. Eligible costs include: Course or conference fees; travel; accommodation; subsistence; childcare costs (individuals only, and only when necessary due to undertaking the proposed activity); and loss of earnings for freelance
music tutors. Applicants must also be resident in Scotland and have at least 10% partnership funding in cash or in-kind.


More info here

Apply by 2019-03-31

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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