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GET IN presents, the promotions collective formed out of our GET IN project, are excited to reveal their line up of performers touring the Highlands & Islands this Feb/March.  Until then, and over the next couple of months, we will be delving into the experiences of the youth promoters involved in GET IN.

To kick off the next installment of “A Youth Promoter’s Voice” series is Alice Taylor a 23 year old Artist from Resolis on the Black Isle.

What’s the most useful thing you have learned so far?

For me, each weekend has held little gems of information – from licensing to promotion. They have shown me the amount of effort promoters go to. Not only to find and schedule their acts, but all the small tasks you must remember to complete in between.

On a personal level, the opportunity to go to the Fringe last year, helped me to be more selective over the shows I wanted to see. I learnt where to look for reviews I trusted and to be open to seeing a wide variety of shows.

Why would you encourage other young folk to get involved in Get IN?

For me, and perhaps for others who join the project, the training provided has given me more confidence in my ability to organise events.

The residential weekends have been a great opportunity to meet other youth promoters and to learn about one and another’s hopes for our communities.

For anyone interested in the arts, the project gives a background in the more business side of things. Which is an important asset if you hope to make money out of your creativity – whether that be having an event space for an exhibition or organising a music tour.

What perks have you found there are in joining GET IN?

We have all had the opportunity to spend the weekend in beautiful areas around Scotland. I especially enjoyed Cove Park, as it is a part of Scotland I had never been to be before. Of course with good company and food.

What do you hope for a performer to take away having performed at your venue?

Resolis Hall will be a welcoming place for our performer, with good food provided by friendly volunteers and a receptive audience. Fingers crossed the weather stays nice for them so they can fully enjoy the sights as they travel around Scotland.

If you could programme anyone in the world (sky’s the limit)… Who would it be and why?

Definitely more theatre. I haven’t got a company in mind, but I have fond memories of the days Resolis Hall had the likes of Mull Little Theatre performing. In fact, if I could have anyone back it might just be them, as they created shows that where enjoyable for both children and adults.

Give us a local tip for any visiting performer or audience?

Fingers crossed on the weather again, take the time to do a bit of countryside viewing, head to the beaches, the hills or the woods – anywhere really it’s all beautiful (no bias).

How important is the local community to your promoting efforts?

Growing  up with so many events at Resolis Hall, it’s important to me that it continues to be used as an events space. There are so many regulars from within the community who come, it’s a great gathering place for a chin wag as well and hopefully a welcoming place for new comers into the area as well.


The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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