The Engaging Libraries fund supports innovative public library projects across the UK and Ireland, which place creative and imaginative public engagement ideas and health and well-being at their heart.
The funding programme is led by Carnegie UK Trust working in partnership with Wellcome, the world’s largest medical research charity.
Its aim is to help public libraries bring people together to inspire curiosity, spark debate and create conversations on health and well-being.
Project proposals might seek to engage people on issues such as understanding how the brain works, exploring how to cope with a long-term illness, or sharing experiences of IVF treatment.
Activities might include exhibitions, film screenings, performances or the development of digital tools, and must be completed between October 2017 and October 2018.
Grants of between £5,000 – £15,000 can be applied for to deliver a public engagement project on a health or well-being theme.
Visit the Carnegie UK Trust website for more information.