We have a handful of Go See bursaries available for promoters to keep in touch with the development of Rosalind Masson’s new dance piece, Mus Ro Faclan Ann, in Gairloch on Sat 3 Mar.

Gairloch Community Hall / 7.30pm / Sat 3 Mar 2018 – LISTING HERE

Rosalind took part in our Showcase Day at the 2017 Gathering in Boat of Garten, where a number of Touring Network promoters expressed interest in booking the show through Supported Programme. Due to funding circumstances though, the full tour as an ensemble piece has been postponed. In the meantime, Rosalind continues to develop the choreography and the sound scape behind Mus Ro Faclan Ann, with support from Dance House, Dancebase and The Workroom, and is joined by Jer Reid.

At the end of February they will take part in a residency week, where they aim to reveal transformative aspects of a figure in landscape influenced by Gaelic song and culture. Pitching their work firmly in the present, they respond to and act as conduits for the audience to experience aspects of ‘other’ within space and time through their respective and interconnected mediums. The material they create will later feed back into the ensemble work.

At the end of the week, the work will be showcased by West Coast Arts at Gairloch Community Hall, with support from The Touring Network, and we would like to invite other promoters from the Network, who have an interest in contemporary dance, to come along and see the work.

Following the performance there will be a break for refreshments before an open discussion about the relationship between landscape, language and perception. To begin this discussion Rosalind will present some of the text which has been informing the work behind ‘Mus Ro Faclan Ann’, followed by a facilitated post-show discussion.

The bursaries available can be used to cover your ticket, accommodation, travel & subsistence costs, up to a value of £150.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Rhiannon no later than Fri 23 Feb to request a bursary.

More about the show…

Mus Ro Faclan Ann or Before Words is the working title for the development of a dance performance influenced by the landscape, language and culture of the Outer Hebrides, in particular Uibhist a Deas /South Uist. The root of the word choreography comes from the greek, khoreia (chorus or band of dancers) and graphein (to write). Mus Ro Faclan Ann is an attempt to write or record movement that is in dialogue with a people and place. What can a Gaelic reading of the landscape reveal that otherwise remains hidden? How can the body serve as a medium to that which cannot otherwise be expressed in words?

Find out more about Rosalind’s work on tourbook

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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