Creative Scotland and The Highland Council have earmarked investment funding to support the implementation of the cultural strategy ‘Highland Culture- take pride, take part’, which was adopted by the Highland Cultural Strategic Board (HCSB).
HCSB is a multi-agency Board, comprising representatives of the Highland Council, Creative Scotland, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, EventScotland and the Scottish Government. HCSB is a member of the Highland Public Sector Partnership, representing culture.
The ‘Growing Audiences’ strand of the Strategy has been identified as a priority for support and HCSB are seeking proposals from partners to achieve the ‘growing audiences’ objectives in the Highland Council area.
High Life Highland, which is administering the investment programme on HCSB’s behalf, will be hosting a series of ‘Roadshows’ during March, to fully explain the programme and provide arts organisations with the opportunity to discuss potential proposals.
These will be at
· GP Room, Wick Assembly Rooms, 2nd March 14.00- 15.30
· Highland Archive & Registration Centre, Inverness, 3rd March 14.00- 15.30
· Skye & Lochalsh Archive Centre, Portree, 4th March 14.00- 15.30
To book a ‘Roadshow’ place (booking is essential) please e-mail your name, organisation you represent, e-mail address and telephone number (specifying which session you will attend) to Highlife Highland.
The deadline for applications to the Investment Programme is 7th April 2015.