World Class Showcase Performances Streamed into local community’s living rooms across Rural Scotland! 

We’re offering our members an opportunity to take part in our “KEEP RURAL ARTS LIVE: Spotlight Sessions” by signing up to hosting 2 online performance showcase events for your community on your social media page or group. It offers a preview of what could be touring to your community post-COVID. 

We have curated, on your behalf, a collection of our performers who were due to perform at The Gathering, to showcase online snippets of their performances to give you and your communities a taste of what it is they do before you open your booking diary once you and your community are ready to welcome touring acts again! 

This offers a unique opportunity to share the programming process with your community and open up discussions with them on what they like and what they don’t.  Better still, all the performances getting showcased will be available to book via Supported Programme, alleviating any booking-fee burdens when coming out of cultural lockdown!

We have an exciting line-up and award winning compere who will promise to keep you and your community entertained!


The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
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© 2014 The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands). Company Registration Number: SC214546. Charity Number: SC030983. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
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