We said goodbye to Rhiannon, Co-Director, this month, and are all missing her hugely. You can read her blog post here, reflecting on a decade with The Touring Network. 

Our first micro-network is gathering pace. It’s become clear there are several viable groups within the membership and we are excited to see what our new Supported Programme delivers. More news as things develop.

We’re working with Data Thistle to ensure our event listings are more reliable going forward. This new benefit for members will list promoters’ events across multiple platforms, including The List and Visit Scotland, as well as The Touring Network website. If we’ve been in touch with you already, we are able to pull events directly from your website. Otherwise please upload your events for May onwards here. If you have any questions please email teri@thetouringnetwork.com.

We will be closing the office w/c 10 April for the Easter holidays. If you need to get in touch please email us at office@thetouringnetwork.com and we’ll reply as soon as we can. 

Our next Network Meet-Up will be on Mon 17 April, 10.30am-12pm. Performers, this month’s meet-up will be all about you. We’re inviting you to share your tour-ready work with the network; in whatever way you choose. Promoters, come along and be inspired and get ready to start some conversations. Register here.

Toubook has had a facelift! A big plus is you no longer need to log in to view available performances. We do not manage Tourbook, though we work closely with them, and can point you in the right direction if you have any queries. Check it out

Welcome to our new members Plockton Village Hall, Ewan MacIntyre, The Puffer Bar and Seamas Carey. 

A reminder that our Seed and Access Funds can be used to help promoter members get out and see productions you might like to programme.  Member shows currently available for booking:

A Bird in the Hand: Special Delivery

Right Lines Productions: Man Shed

Chris Lynott Comedy Autobahn

Curious Seed: And The Birds Did Sing 

Esther Swift: Sound Effects also

Vanishing Point Unplugged: Spin

Horse: Acoustic-y – Flying Trio / Quartet

Julia McGhee: The Morrich Project

Jennifer Ewan Band: Bonnie Bayou Blues

Ruxandra Cantir & Sarah Rose Graber: Two in a Barrel

Hidden Waves Quartet: Coloured Stones

Hopscotch TheatreThe Unseen Boy / Or Treasure! 

Tricky Hat Productions

Lubna Kerr: Tickbox

Maria MacDonell: Miss Lindsay’s Secret

Nicholas Collett Productions: Done to Death, By Jove!

*If you’d like your show on this list, make sure it’s on Tourbook 🙂

The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands)
Supporting live performance across the Highlands & Islands as part of a central, celebrated and indispensable part of the cultural life of Scotland.
01463 231328
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© 2014 The Touring Network (Highlands & Islands). Company Registration Number: SC214546. Charity Number: SC030983. | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions
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